
New Zealand Herald 19th November 2011

Feature article on Graft the completion of Phase One by Rebecca Barry Hill


Sunday Star Times 19th June 2011

Feature article on Graft by Kim Knight


Art New Zealand. 2008/2009. Summer Issue. Number 129.
Unleashing the creeping wild by Amanda Wayers. Feature covering John ‘s general practice currently and retrospectively.

New Zealand Heritage 2008.
Amanda Wayers article on the Lux Flux installation at Britomart.

Art New Zealand. 2007. Spring Issue. Number 124.
Auckland Exhibitions review. Ed Hanfling comments on the This Other City temporary installation/performance pieclkes.

Architecture New Zealand. 2005. July/August .
A Cassius with Clay. Sam Eichblatt writes about the Transplastic projects.

Art News New Zealand. 2004. Winter Issue.
Transplastic Building article.

New Zealand Herald 2004. March 24th.
Andrew Clifford’s article on the Transplastic Building.

Art New Zealand. 2003/2004. Summer Issue.Number 109.
John Radford’s Night Kitchen Ed Hanfling’s article about the Transplastic Projects

New Zealand Herald 2003. Sept 24th.
Cathrin Schaer’s article on the Transplastic Automobiles.

Art New Zealand. 1999. Winter Issue. Number 91.
Autumn Diary Justin Paton’s review of the TIP sculptures.


Metro Magazine 1998. June.
Feature article Tip Top Town by Denis Baker on the TIP sculptures.


New Zealand Herald 1998. Article on TIP sculptures.

North and South 1996. December. Past Master. Cheryl Lily. Article on John Radford’s general practice.

The Listener. 1995. January 21st .
Paying the piper. by Mat Philps.

New Zealand Herald 1994. Article on Lanechange sculpture

Pavement Magazine 1993. November Michael Evans. Article on John Radford’s general practice

Ansett Southern Skies 1991. Profile piece on the 191 in ‘91 exhibition.

Historic Places Trust 1991. Profile piece on 191 in 91 exhibition.

Metro Magazine 1988. July.
The Lively Arts. Article by Peter Shaw on the early façade works.

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