Transplasticize (verb)

– to transform the appearance of an object, with a hand applied covering which changes in plasticity.


To see highlights video of previous Transplastic Projects click here

Transplastic Automobile High Street Auckland 2003.

Transplastic Citroen High Street Auckland 2003

Transplastic Building Vulcan Lane 2004

…occurred in central Auckland from Thursday night the18th till Sunday morning the 21st March 2004.

Relevant media…Art News Winter Edition 2004. New Zealand Herald 19 03 2004.
Art New Zealand Summer issue 2003. Architecture New Zealand July August 2005.


The idea for the Transplastic process arrived in 2000. I was Inspired by the part in Maurice Sendak’s book In The Night Kitchen where a boy gets coated with dough.

The idea of placing a layer of clay on things took on a different significance whilst I traveled around the U.K. and Europe feeling the depth of thousands of years of human history all around me, comparatively New Zealand seemed so young.

I had this desire to import clay from New Zealand and coat significant objects in the UK and Europe with it.

The clay, ( some of our land ) would cover certain sites and objects that may have seen the departures of my UK and European ancestors who traveled to NZ and ended up covering the land here with their toil.

Transplastic Bucket Fountain Cuba Mall Wellington 2006


To see TV News clip about this art work cut and paste below link into your address bar ( then click the windows media player icon )



Wellington based Director Simon Burgin and Producer Gareth Moon of Nektar Films made In the Night Kitchen a documentary about the Bucket Fountain Transplasticism.
This documentary won Best Short Documentary in the New Zealand Documentary Awards 2007